Interview with Eyal Gutentag
Eyal Gutentag Article originally appeared on Eyal Gutentag The workforce, as well as the work environment, is changing. No longer do employees get hired, work for the same company their entire careers, and retire to a small house with a white picket fence. Employment today is much more fluid, and employees do not seek safety first as their impetus to accept job offers. Modern employees want to work for a company with a mission they believe in, where they can expand their abilities and challenge themselves. Such big changes may sound like they are riding in on a wave of chaos. However, there is a definite order to the employment evolution. The Pew Research Center found that millennials make up the largest portion of the modern workforce at 56 million strong. Millennials, also collectively referred to as Generation Y, are individuals who were born in the 1980s and 1990s and so first entered the workforce in the last years of the 20th century and the early ones of ...