
Showing posts from May, 2021

Management Expert Eyal Gutentag on Transitioning to the New Normal

  Management Expert Eyal Gutentag on Transitioning to the New Normal As the first faint signs of an end to COVID appear on the horizon-rising vaccination levels, businesses opening their doors, schools returning to in-person learning-it’s tempting for managers to dream again of a return to normal. According to growth and performance leader Eyal Gutentag , there’s just one problem: “normal” isn’t going to happen anytime soon. With a long history of developing highly succ e ssful management teams for industry-leading companies like the NFL, Eyal has experienced all kinds of management challenges over the past few decades. He knows “normal” inside and out, but he cautions: “Forget the idea that, once COVID ends, you can return to business as usual. If COVID taught us anything, it taught us that we need a new normal going forward.” This new business normal, he tells his managers, will involve more than just another run-of-the-mill type of employee training, updated internal policies or...

Keys to Effective Leadership in Times of Crisis — IMC Grupo

  Keys to Effective Leadership in Times of Crisis Even in the midst of the COVID pandemic, your business leadership team should have already been looking at the lessons you learned to inform your decisions about your leadership during the transition away from a pandemic mindset and to plan for any future crisis. While good leadership should be focusing on these actions all the time, during times of transition and crisis the following keys will keep your business running smoothly despite the turmoil. Be Available During times of rapid chan g e, you may feel that your plate is already full in handling clients and getting your employees organized, but as business performance consultant  Eyal Gutentag  notes, it’s times like these that leadership through communication becomes paramount. Especially if people are working at scattered locations, give regular updates through email and your intracompany channels. Let people know what’s going on, even if what’s going on is that eve...