Keys to Effective Leadership in Times of Crisis — IMC Grupo

 Keys to Effective Leadership in Times of Crisis

Keys to Effective Leadership in Times of Crisis

Even in the midst of the COVID pandemic, your business leadership team should have already been looking at the lessons you learned to inform your decisions about your leadership during the transition away from a pandemic mindset and to plan for any future crisis. While good leadership should be focusing on these actions all the time, during times of transition and crisis the following keys will keep your business running smoothly despite the turmoil.

Be Available

Be Confident

Be in Control

Growth leaders like Eyal Gutentag and others know that these aren’t skills you develop overnight. Only by steadily practicing empathetic soft skills and decisive business maneuvering during the good times will you be able to quickly shift those skills into your business’s crisis-mode needs. It also never hurts to plan ahead. The COVID pandemic may be the most recent business crisis, but it certainly won’t be the last.

Originally published at on April 27, 2021.


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